/** * @module ckeditor * @version see info.php of this module * @authors Michael Tenschert, Dietrich Roland Pehlke, Dietmar Woellbrink * @copyright 2010-2012 Michael Tenschert, Dietrich Roland Pehlke, Luisehahne * @license GNU General Public License * @license terms see info.php of this module * @platform see info.php of this module * @requirements PHP 5.2.x and higher */ ################################################ --- WebsiteBaker CKEditor module --- --- FAQ: How to use customization --- ################################################ ################################################ # Question: # What files are there to customize CKEditor for WebsiteBaker? # Answer: # All default files in CKEditor modules are in the folder: _yourwbinstallation_/modules/ckeditor/wb_config There are four different files. Please look inside each file with your FTP-Browser / AddonFileEditor / on your local computer: + wb_ckconfig.js: Here are most of the configuration issues defined. Toolbar-Configuration, behavior on Enter / Shift+Enter, default language and so on. + editor.css: The default look of the WYSIWYG textarea and the preview. You can also put an editor.css in any frontend template, it will be loaded automatically for each page instead of the default one. + editor.styles.js: The default styles you can choose from a dropdown in the CKEditor toolbar. You can also put an editor.styles.js in any frontend template, it will be loaded automatically for each page instead of the default one. + editor.templates.js: The default CKE templates you can choose of a button in CKEditor toolbar. Please note: We recommend not to use CKE templates, because the WebsiteBaker template should define the different blocks and the template. Furthermore this files and some other configurations (we recommend you shouldn't change unless you really know what you are doing) are stored in: _yourwbinstallation_/modules/ckeditor/include.php ################################################ # Question: # Why back to the roots and not different folders anymore? # Answer: # All four configuration files (wb_ckconfig.js, editor.css, editor.styles.js, editor.templates.js) are available in _yourwbinstallation_/modules/ckeditor/wb_config The wb_config is loaded and recognized by the CKEditor module unless you copy the folder "wb_config."! As an example you have two possibilities to call the configuration files 1) copy the wb_config to the folder _yourwbinstallation_/templates and all changes in config files are for all templates 2) copy the wb_config to your _yourdefaulttemplate_: _yourwbinstallation_/templates/_yourdefaulttemplate_ rename folder wb_config to editor, your changes are only for _yourdefaulttemplate_ Change the configfiles with your FTP-Browser / AddonFileEditor / ... You should never change the files in _yourwbinstallation_/modules/ckeditor/wb_config, as they are overwritten with any update of CKEditor module and / or WebsiteBaker! You never have any problems when upgrading CKEditor module to another version. ################################################ # Question: # How is the workflow of reading CKEditor files? # Answer: # Note: The workflow is defined inside _yourwbinstallation_/modules/ckeditor/include.php 1) is called as first if available, 2) is the next one, and so on. search order for CKEditor files editor.css 1) _yourwbinstallation_/templates/_yourdefaulttemplate_/editor.css 2) _yourwbinstallation_/templates/_yourdefaulttemplate_/css/editor.css 3) _yourwbinstallation_/templates/_yourdefaulttemplate_/editor/editor.css 4) _yourwbinstallation_/templates/wb_config/editor.css 5) _yourwbinstallation_/modules/ckeditor/wb_config/editor.css wb_ckconfig.js,editor.styles.js,editor.templates.js 1) _yourwbinstallation_/templates/_yourdefaulttemplate_/wb_ckconfig.js 2) _yourwbinstallation_/templates/_yourdefaulttemplate_/js/wb_ckconfig.js 3) _yourwbinstallation_/templates/_yourdefaulttemplate_/editor/wb_ckconfig.js 4) _yourwbinstallation_/templates/wb_config/wb_ckconfig.js 5) _yourwbinstallation_/modules/ckeditor/wb_config/wb_ckconfig.js etc...