The various resources on this site are provided free of charge. If you find the website helpful, please consider becoming a supporter to help cover the operating costs. See About this Site for more information.
I paid all the costs in the past but now that I am retired, I have more spare time and a lot less money. (My pension is not something to get excited about.. hi..) This means my ham radio sites can no longer be subsided. Over the years as things change, I have had to depend on advertising and donations to pay the bills. As I get older and things get more complicated I sometimes require help and have to pay to get things done.
If you would like to put something in an envelope and send a donation by mail, that works too. My address is on in the call books and hasn't changes for over 20 years.. Just look up VE5KC on QRZ.COM or the Canadian call book at RAC.CA.
Pay pal handles credit card transaction without the need to be a member, you do need a Pay pal account to make a donation.
I am not begging but some help would really be appreciated. Please consider becoming a supporter. No donation is too small, every dollar helps! Any help you can give would be much appreciated!
73 . . Ken - VE5KC