Under the pseudonym YONIQ, a new version of the popular MMSSTV software for communication via slow TV sweep or SSTV was born. The idea is to provide the popular software with certain functionalities, to a greater or lesser extent, demanded by many of its users over time. (MMSSTV -; YONIQ)

YONIQ maintains the charm and most functions of the original software, but also provides you with other functions that manage to place you within the segment of utilities intended for 21st century radio amateurs. A necessary and powerful update since the release of version 1.13 10 years ago. This has been created from the implementation of new code and modification of some of the source code provided through GITHUB under GNU license, as indicated in
YONIQ is not a new program, it is a continuation and update of the wonderful work done by JE3HHT which it named MMSSTV. It is simply a version of the original software, sharing its GNU license as is the wish of its original creator Makoto Mori.
Some of its novelties include:
- Implementation of the Omni-Rig system for transceiver control.
- Spanish and English languages.
- Download data from QRZ.com.
- Storing frequencies as a memory.
- Compatible with different logbooks.
- Indication of the percentage of image sent and received.
- Improved image reception settings.
- Modern visual interface.
The project has worked from different situations and conditions, starting with the modification and programming. The code was tested by a volunteer team that has dedicated their time altruistically, for several months, so that the project saw the light in the best possible way. Thanks to this, a more effective configuration has been achieved for the reception of image. This means that more PC resources need to be used. However, if you are using a low-resource or perhaps an old computer, you can always reconfigure the options to run like previous versions.
Both the YONIQ version of the MMSSTV program and the official original versions are available downloads here:
Most operators who are familiar with the original MMSSTV, should not have any difficulty using this new version.
For support and consultation on the new functionalities of this version in English, it is recommended that you use the MMSSTV forum on Groups.io -
It should be noted that YONIQ is still a prototype and, therefore, its creators are responsible for the use of this software or for any damage it may cause, let alone the creator of the original software. It is the sole responsibility is the user for all aspects of using this program.
· Note that YONIQ -MMSSTV was not originally written for English users and will install using the Spanish language.
The provision for using English was added later but requires changing language after the program is installed.
To simplify this, I have made the English instructions below. Following the instructions and pictures will help you with
selecting the correct buttons. After you finish the install and change the language to English you will no longer have a problem
(This will bring back memories to some early users when the MM project started, MMTTY & MMSSTV were only in Japanese)
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From my experience with installing MMSSTV YONIQ I have found it is best to install over the current version of MMSSTV. If you co not have MMSSTV, install it first. Then install MMSSTV YONIQ in the same folder. C:\Ham\MMSSTV works fine. For installing an update to MMSSTV YONIQ, it should be installed over the current version.
Installing for English users:
To installing YONIQ, simply run the installer and follow the steps.
(follow the new English instructions provided below)
Installing the program, it will help to know the following:
By default, the program will install in C:\Ham\MMSSTV. If you have installed a previous version on MMSSTV, you should choose the same location.
Run the installer - MMSSTV_YONIQ.exe
- First page: Acuerdo de Licencia (License agreement) after you read the agreement (in English) select Acepto el acuerdo (I accept the agreement) then click on Siguiente (Next)
- Next: Infromacion (Information) after you read the information and terms click on Siguiente (Next)
- Next Seleccione la Carpeta de Destino (Select Destination Folder) The default path C:\Ham\MMSSTV click on Siguiente (Next)
[This is where you can enter a different location in the box, if you want to install to a different location.]
If you already have a folder C:\Ham\MMSSTV you will get a box:
La carpeta: C:\Ham\MMSSTV ya existe, Desea realizar la instalacion en esa carpeta de todas formas?
Folder: C:\Ham\MMSSTV already exists, do you want to install in that folder anyway?
If this is OK click yes to continue.
- Next Seleccione la carpeta de Menu Inicio (Select the Start Menu folder) Accept default or enter your own name, click on Siguiente (Next)
- Next: Seleccione las Tareas Adicionales (Select Additional Tasks) -; sellect Crear un icono en el escrttorio (Create an icon on the desktop) if you want a desktop icon created, tick the box, then click on Siguiente (Next)
- Next: Listo para Instalar (Ready to Install), click on Instalar (Install), click on Siguiente (Next)
- Next: after you read the information, click on Siguiente (Next) to complete the install.
- Last Page: Completetando la instalacion de YONIQ (Completing the YONIQ installation)
Select Ejecutar YONIQ (Run YONIQ) if you want to run the program, then click on Finalizar (Finalize).
- The first time you run MMSSTV_YONIQ a box will open asking for your callsign. Enter your call and press OK.
Next, we change the language to English. In the top menu click on Opciones (Choices). Then select Configurar (Setup) MMSSTV (O).
In the Confiracion MMSSTV page select the Misc tab. In the bottom left click on Ingles to select English and click OK.
A box will pop up telling you to shut down MMSSTV_YONIQ and restart for the change to take place.
First run after change to English, you may get box with the following:
Box with <El archive para quardar el log (C:\Ham\MMSSTV\CALL.MDT no existe, desea crearlo?>
<The file to save the log (C:\Ham\MMSSTV\CALL.MDT does not exist, do you want to create it?> Click on Yes to continue.
Note: The installation should not delete the macros already configured in the previous installation If you are using Windows 7 or above, the system may get an alert of a false positive before installation.
For the Omni-Rig system to work it must be installed. You can download it from
You can also download the MMSSTV-YONIQ source code from here:
Thank you to Eugenio - EA1IMW and the volunteer team for making MMSSTV-YONIQ available!
You can visit the YONIQ, Spanish website here: